Household Tasks

With our support workers, you can expect assistance in all aspects of your household work. But considering your right to live your life as you wish, their level of interference in your household matters would be decided by you. Depending upon your needs and choice, you can opt for as little to as much assistance with your household tasks and the support worker will undertake it all while ensuring your safety.

Under the household tasks service, our support workers will engage in:

  • Meal planning, and cooking.
  • Providing assistance with dishwashing, and kitchen cleaning
  • Offering individualized training in basic skills development like cooking and assistance with using specialized assistive household equipment.
  • Helping with the regular hygiene activities like brooming , dusting, and mopping.
  • Assisting with changing linen, drying, and folding laundry
  • Regular garden and driveway maintenance tasks.

This support service is meant to ensure the proper flow of your household and therefore a proper flow of your life as an NDIS participant.

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